Ookii.FormatC Namespace

Contains types for the FormatC syntax highlighter.

Please see the GitHub project page for additional information, or view a sample of highlighted code in the various supported languages.


CodeElement Represents an element of source code, such as keywords, comments or strings, and the regular expression that can be used to identify them.
CodeFormatter Provides source code syntax highlighting functionality.
CPlusPlusFormattingInfo Provides information for formatting C++ code.
CSharpFormattingInfo Provides formatting info for C# code.
LanguageRegion Represents a region of multi-language source code that should be formatted by a specific region.
PowerShellFormattingInfo Provides formatting information for Microsoft PowerShell scripts.
TSqlFormattingInfo Provides formatting information for Transact-SQL scripts.
VisualBasicFormattingInfo Provides formatting info for Visual Basic code.
XmlFormattingInfo Provides formatting info for XML documents.


ICustomFormattingInfo Interface for classes that provide custom, not regex-based formatting.
IFormattingInfo Interface for classes that provide information for formatting a programming language.
IFormattingInfoWithTypes Interface for formatters that allow a custom set of identifiers to be treated as types.
IMultilanguageFormattingInfo Interface for formatters that support multiple languages besides the primary one.


LineNumberMode Indicates if and how line numbers are added to the formatted code.