I'm famous! Again!

When I first made Find As You Type available, I was surprised by the positive feedback I got, including a mention on the IE blog.

And now, my software was included in the newsletter of a Japanese webzine, Windows Forest. The article is here (Japanese only).

This means that when I go to Tokyo in two months, I won't be able to walk down the street without getting recognized. Okay, that'll probably only happen if I wear a shirt that says "僕は「Find As You Type」の作者です" (I'm the creator of Find As You Type). And even then probably not. :P

So I'd like to thank the good people at Windows Forest for their kind reference, and to all the people visiting from Japan I'd like to say: ようこそ! Got any tips for a Dutch guy who's about to go to Japan for two years?

Categories: Personal
Posted on: 2007-02-13 17:53 UTC.



2007-02-18 20:53 UTC

That's well deserved, your application is awesome.

Not having the "Find As You Type" feature was the reason I avoided using IE 7 and now, being on Vista, you've made my life so much easier, thank you!


2007-02-20 01:33 UTC

I was moving to Mozilla when I've found your add-on to IE7.
You rock man!

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