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CommandLineParser Class

Parses command line arguments into a class of the specified type.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Ookii.CommandLine
Assembly:  Ookii.CommandLine (in Ookii.CommandLine.dll) Version: 2.4.0
public class CommandLineParser

The CommandLineParser type exposes the following members.

Public methodCommandLineParser(Type)
Initializes a new instance of the CommandLineParser class using the specified arguments type, the default argument name prefixes, and the default case-insensitive argument name comparer.
Public methodCommandLineParser(Type, IEnumerableString)
Initializes a new instance of the CommandLineParser class using the specified arguments type, the specified argument name prefixes, and the default case-insensitive argument name comparer.
Public methodCommandLineParser(Type, IEnumerableString, IComparerString)
Initializes a new instance of the CommandLineParser class using the specified arguments type, the specified argument name prefixes, and the specified IComparerT for comparing argument names.
Public propertyAllowDuplicateArguments
Gets or sets a value indicating whether duplicate arguments are allowed.
Public propertyAllowWhiteSpaceValueSeparator
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the value of arguments may be separated from the name by white space.
Public propertyArgumentNamePrefixes
Gets the argument name prefixes used by this instance.
Public propertyArguments
Gets the arguments supported by this CommandLineParser instance.
Public propertyArgumentsType
Gets the type that was used to define the arguments.
Public propertyCulture
Gets or sets the culture used to convert command line argument values from their string representation to the argument type.
Public propertyStatic memberDefaultArgumentNamePrefixes
Gets the default argument name prefixes for the current platform.
Public propertyStatic memberDefaultUsagePrefix
Gets the default prefix for the command line usage information.
Public propertyDescription
Gets a description that is used when generating usage information.
Public propertyNameValueSeparator
Gets or sets the character used to separate the name and the value of an argument.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetArgument
Gets a command line argument by name.
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetUsage
Gets command line usage help using the default options and no line wrapping.
Public methodGetUsage(Int32, WriteUsageOptions)
Gets command line usage help.
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodOnArgumentParsed
Raises the ArgumentParsed event.
Public methodParse(String)
Parses the specified command line arguments.
Public methodParse(String, Int32)
Parses the specified command line arguments, starting at the specified index.
Public methodStatic memberParseT(String)
Parses the specified command line arguments into the specified type.
Public methodStatic memberParseT(String, ParseOptions)
Parses the specified command line arguments into the specified type.
Public methodStatic memberParseT(String, Int32, ParseOptions)
Parses the specified command line arguments, starting at the specified index, into the specified type.
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodWriteUsage(TextWriter, Int32)
Writes command line usage help to the specified TextWriter using the default options.
Public methodWriteUsage(TextWriter, Int32, WriteUsageOptions)
Writes command line usage help to the specified TextWriter using the specified options.
Public methodWriteUsageToConsole
Writes command line usage help to the standard output stream using the default options.
Public methodWriteUsageToConsole(WriteUsageOptions)
Writes command line usage help to the standard output stream using the specified options.
Public eventArgumentParsed
Event raised when an argument is parsed from the command line.
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultNameValueSeparator
Gets the default character used to separate the name and the value of an argument.

The CommandLineParser class can parse a set of command line arguments into values. Which arguments are accepted is determined from the constructor parameters and properties of the type passed to the CommandLineParser(Type) constructor. The result of a parsing operation is an instance of that type that was constructed using the constructor parameters and property values from their respective command line arguments.

The CommandLineParser class can parse a command line and can generate usage help for arguments defined by the type passed to its constructor. This usage help can be presented to the user to provide information about how to invoke your application from the command line.

The ParseT(String, ParseOptions) method is a helper that will parse arguments and print error and usage information if required. For most use cases, this is all you need in addition to a class that defines arguments.

The command line arguments are parsed using the parsing rules described below. A command line consists of a series of argument values; each value is assigned to the appropriate argument based on either the name or the position of the argument.

Every argument has a name, and can have its value specified by name. To specify an argument name on the command line it must be preceded by a special prefix. On Windows, the argument name prefix is typically a forward slash (/), while on Unix platforms it is usually a single dash (-) or double dash (--). Which prefixes are accepted by the CommandLineParser class can be specified by using the CommandLineParser(Type, IEnumerableString) constructor. By default, it will accept both "/" and "-" on Windows, and only a "-" on all other platforms (other platforms are supported via Mono).

Note Note
Although almost any argument name is allowed as long as it isn't empty and doesn't contain the character specified in the NameValueSeparator property, certain argument names may not be advisable. Particularly, avoid argument names that start with a number, as they it will not be possible to specify them by name if the argument name prefix is a single dash; arguments starting with a single dash followed by a digit are always considered values during parsing, even if there is an argument with that name.

The name of the argument must be followed by its value. The value can be either in the next argument (separated from the name by white space), or separated by the character specified in the NameValueSeparator property. For example, to assign the value "foo" to the argument "sample", you can use either -sample foo or -sample:foo.

If an argument has a type of Boolean (and is not a positional argument as described below), it is a switch argument, and doesn't require a value. Its value is determined by its presence on the command line; if it is absent the value is ; if it is present the value is . For example, to set a switch argument named "verbose" to true, you can simply use the command line -verbose. You can still explicitly specify the value of a switch argument, for example -verbose:true. Note that you cannot use white space to separate a switch argument name and value; you must use the character specified in the NameValueSeparator property.

If the type of the argument is NullableT of Boolean, its value will be if it is not supplied, if it is supplied without an explicit value (or with an explicit value of ), and only if its value was explicitly specified as .

An argument value can also refer to an argument by position. A positional argument is an argument that can be set both by name and position. When specified by name, it can appear in any position on the command line, but when specified by position, it must appear in the correct position.

For example, if you have two arguments named "foo" and "bar" which have positions 0 and 1 respectively, you could specify their values using value1 value2, which assigns "value1" to "foo" and "value2" to "bar". However, you could also use -bar value2 -foo value1 to achieve the same effect.

If a positional argument was already specified by name, it is no longer considered as a target for positional argument values. In the previous example, if the command line -foo value1 value2 is used, "value2" is the first positional argument value, but is assigned to "bar", the second positional argument, because "foo" had already been assigned a value by name.

Arguments can either be required or optional. If an argument is required, the Parse(String) method will throw a CommandLineArgumentException if it is not supplied on the command line. For positional arguments, it is not allowed to have a required argument following a positional argument.

If an argument has a type other than String, the CommandLineParser class will use the TypeDescriptor class to get a TypeConverter for that type to convert the supplied string value to the correct type. You can also use the TypeConverterAttribute on the property or constructor parameter that defines the attribute to specify a custom type converter.

If an argument has an array type, it can be specified more than once, and the value for each time is it specified is added to the array. Given an array argument named "sample", the command line -sample 1 -sample 2 -sample 3 would set the value of "sample" to an array holding the values 1, 2 and 3. A required array argument must have at least one value. A positional array argument must be the last positional argument.

To specify which arguments are accepted by the CommandLineParser class, you can use either constructor parameters or properties on the type holding the argument values.

If the arguments type has only one constructor, its parameters are automatically used. If it has more than one constructor, one of the constructors must be marked using the CommandLineConstructorAttribute attribute.

Arguments for constructor parameters are always positional arguments, so can be specified by both name and position. The position of the command line argument will match the position of the constructor parameter. By default, the name of the argument matches the name of the parameter, but this can be overridden using the ArgumentNameAttribute attribute. The argument is optional if the parameter has the OptionalAttribute attribute applied, and its default value can be specified using the DefaultParameterValueAttribute attribute. With Visual Basic and C# 4.0, you can use the built-in syntax for optional parameters to create an optional command line argument and specify the default value.

A property defines a command line argument if it is public, not , and has the CommandLineArgumentAttribute attibute defined. The argument will only be positional if the Position property is set to a non-negative value, and will be required only if the IsRequired property is set to .

Thread Safety
Any public static (Shared in Visual Basic) members of this type are thread safe. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe.
See Also