Click or drag to resize

Glass Class

Provides functionality to use Aero Glass.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Ookii.Dialogs
Assembly:  Ookii.Dialogs (in Ookii.Dialogs.dll) Version: (
public static class Glass

The Glass type exposes the following members.

Public propertyStatic memberIsDwmCompositionEnabled
Gets a value that indicates whether desktop composition is enabled.
Public propertyStatic memberOSSupportsDwmComposition
Gets a value that indicates whether the operating system supports composition through the Desktop Window Manager.
Public methodStatic memberDrawCompositedText
Draws composited text onto the glass area of a form.
Public methodStatic memberExtendFrameIntoClientArea
Extends the glass window frame into the client area of the specified window.
Public methodStatic memberMeasureCompositedText
Provides the size, in pixels, of the specified text.

This class provides functionality to extend the Windows Vista Aero glass window frame into a window's client area, and to draw text on the glass area.

The ExtendedForm class provides more comprehensive support for client area glass than using ExtendFrameIntoClientArea(IWin32Window, Padding) by using its GlassMargin property. In addition to the basic client area glass support, ExtendedForm will also respond to changes in the Desktop Window Manager state and enable/disable client area glass as necessary. It also allows the window to be dragged using the client area glass areas using the AllowGlassDragging property.

Note Note
Use of glass requires Windows Vista or later with the Desktop Window Manager enabled.
Thread Safety
Any public static (Shared in Visual Basic) members of this type are thread safe. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe.
See Also