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JumboSettingsFileChannelStageOrJobSpillSortMinSpillsForCombineDuringMerge Field

The key to use in the job or stage settings to override the minimum number of spills needed for the combiner to be run during the merge specified in SpillSortMinSpillsForCombineDuringMerge. This value is only used when the output type is SortSpill and a combiner is specified. Stage settings take precedence over job settings. The setting should have type Int32.

Namespace:  Ookii.Jumbo.Jet
Assembly:  Ookii.Jumbo.Jet (in Ookii.Jumbo.Jet.dll) Version: 2.0.0
public const string SpillSortMinSpillsForCombineDuringMerge = "FileOutputChannel.SpillSortMinSpillsForCombineDuringMerge"

Field Value

Type: String
See Also