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StageConfigurationAllowRecordReuse Property

Gets a value that indicates whether the task type allows reusing the same object instance for every record.

Namespace:  Ookii.Jumbo.Jet.Jobs
Assembly:  Ookii.Jumbo.Jet (in Ookii.Jumbo.Jet.dll) Version: 2.0.0
public bool AllowRecordReuse { get; }

Property Value

Type: Boolean

If this property is , it means that the record reader (or if this stage is a child stage, the parent stage) that provides the input records for this stage can reuse the same object instance for every record.

This property will return if the AllowRecordReuseAttribute is defined on the TaskType. If the PassThrough property is , then this property will return only if the AllowOutputRecordReuse property is .

See Also