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ChannelConfiguration Properties

The ChannelConfiguration type exposes the following members.

Public propertyChannelType
Gets or sets the type of the channel.
Public propertyDisableDynamicPartitionAssignment
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to disable dynamic partition assignment.
Public propertyForceFileDownload
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the file channel should always use TCP downloads.
Public propertyMultiInputRecordReaderType
Gets or sets the type of multi input record reader to use to combine the the input readers of this channel.
Public propertyOutputStage
Gets or sets the ID of the stage whose tasks that read from the channel.
Public propertyPartitionAssignmentMethod
Gets or sets the method used to assign partitions to tasks when the job is started.
Public propertyPartitionerType
Gets or sets the type of partitioner to use to split the input of the channel amount its outputs.
Public propertyPartitionsPerTask
Gets or sets the number of partitions to create for every output task.
See Also