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GenerateText Properties

The GenerateText type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBlockSize
Gets or sets the block size of the job's output files.
(Inherited from BaseJobRunner.)
Public propertyConfigOnly
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the job runner will only create and print the job configuration, instead of running the job.
(Inherited from JobBuilderJob.)
Public propertyDfsConfiguration
Gets or sets the configuration used to access the Distributed File System.
(Inherited from Configurable.)
Protected propertyFileSystemClient
Gets the DFS client.
(Inherited from BaseJobRunner.)
Public propertyIsInteractive
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the job runner should wait for user input before starting the job and before exitting.
(Inherited from BaseJobRunner.)
Protected propertyJetClient
Gets the jet client.
(Inherited from BaseJobRunner.)
Public propertyJetConfiguration
Gets or sets the configuration used to access the Jet servers.
(Inherited from Configurable.)
Public propertyJobOrStageProperties
Gets or sets the property values that will override predefined values in the job configuration.
(Inherited from BaseJobRunner.)
Public propertyJobOrStageSettings
Gets or sets additional job or stage settings that will be defined in the job configuration.
(Inherited from BaseJobRunner.)
Public propertyOutputPath
Gets or sets the output path.
Public propertyOverwriteOutput
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the output directory should be deleted, if it exists, before the job is executed.
(Inherited from BaseJobRunner.)
Public propertyReplicationFactor
Gets or sets the replication factor of the job's output files.
(Inherited from BaseJobRunner.)
Public propertySizePerTask
Gets or sets the size per task.
Public propertyTaskContext
Gets or sets the configuration for the task attempt.
(Inherited from Configurable.)
Public propertyTaskCount
Gets or sets the task count.
Public propertyWordsPerLine
Gets or sets the number of words per line.
Public propertyWordsPerLineRandomization
Gets or sets the amount by which the number of words by line can be varied.
See Also