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TaskServerConfigurationElement Properties

The TaskServerConfigurationElement type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCurrentConfiguration (Inherited from ConfigurationElement.)
Public propertyElementInformation (Inherited from ConfigurationElement.)
Protected propertyElementProperty (Inherited from ConfigurationElement.)
Protected propertyEvaluationContext (Inherited from ConfigurationElement.)
Public propertyFileServerMaxConnections
Gets or sets the maximum number of simultaneous connections allowed to the file channel channel TCP server.
Public propertyFileServerMaxIndexCacheSize
Gets or sets the maximum number of partition file index entries to keep in the index cache.
Public propertyFileServerPort
The port number that the TCP server for file channels listens on.
Protected propertyHasContext (Inherited from ConfigurationElement.)
Public propertyHeartbeatInterval
Gets or sets the heartbeat interval.
Public propertyImmediateCompletedTaskNotification
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the task server immediately notifies the job server when a task completes.
Protected propertyItemConfigurationProperty (Inherited from ConfigurationElement.)
Protected propertyItemString (Inherited from ConfigurationElement.)
Public propertyListenIPv4AndIPv6
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the server should listen on both IPv6 and IPv4.
Public propertyLockAllAttributesExcept (Inherited from ConfigurationElement.)
Public propertyLockAllElementsExcept (Inherited from ConfigurationElement.)
Public propertyLockAttributes (Inherited from ConfigurationElement.)
Public propertyLockElements (Inherited from ConfigurationElement.)
Public propertyLockItem (Inherited from ConfigurationElement.)
Public propertyLogSystemStatus
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the task should periodically log processor and memory usage status.
Public propertyPort
Gets or sets the port number on which the task server's RPC server listens.
Public propertyProcessCreationDelay
Gets or sets the number of milliseconds to wait between creating TaskHost processes.
Public propertyProgressInterval
Gets or sets the progress interval.
Protected propertyProperties (Inherited from ConfigurationElement.)
Public propertyTaskDirectory
Gets or sets the local directory for task files.
Public propertyTaskSlots
Gets or sets the maximum number of tasks to schedule on this server.
Public propertyTaskTimeout
Gets or sets the timeout, in milliseconds, after which a task is declared dead if it hasn't reported progress.
See Also