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JobBuilder Class

Provides methods for constructing Jumbo Jet jobs as a sequence of operations.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Ookii.Jumbo.Jet.Jobs.Builder
Assembly:  Ookii.Jumbo.Jet (in Ookii.Jumbo.Jet.dll) Version: 2.0.0
public sealed class JobBuilder

The JobBuilder type exposes the following members.

Public methodJobBuilder
Initializes a new instance of the JobBuilder class.
Public propertyAssemblyLocations
Gets the full paths of all the non-GAC and non-Jumbo assemblies used by this job.
Public propertyJobName
Gets or sets the descriptive name of the job.
Public propertySettings
Gets the settings for the job.
Public propertyTaskBuilder
Gets the DynamicTaskBuilder used to create task classes from methods.
Public methodAddAssembly
Adds an assembly and all its referenced assemblies to the list of required assemblies for this job.
Public methodAddOperation
Adds the specified operation.
Public methodCheckIfInputBelongsToJobBuilder
Checks if the specified input belongs to this job builder.
Public methodCreateJob
Creates the job configuration.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGenerate(Int32, Type)
Generates records using a task that takes no input.
Public methodGenerateT(Int32, ActionRecordWriterT, TaskContext)
Generates records using a task that takes no input.
Public methodGenerateT(Int32, ActionRecordWriterT, ProgressContext)
Generates records using a task that takes no input.
Public methodGenerateT(Int32, ActionRecordWriterT)
Generates records using a task that takes no input.
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGroupAggregate(IOperationInput, Type, Type)
Groups the input records by key, then aggregates their values.
Public methodGroupAggregateTKey, TValue(IOperationInput, FuncTKey, TValue, TValue, TValue, Type, RecordReuseMode)
Groups the input records by key, then aggregates their values using the specified accumulator task function.
Public methodGroupAggregateTKey, TValue(IOperationInput, FuncTKey, TValue, TValue, TaskContext, TValue, Type, RecordReuseMode)
Groups the input records by key, then aggregates their values using the specified accumulator task function.
Public methodInnerJoin
Performs an inner equi-join on two inputs.
Public methodMapTInput, TOutput(IOperationInput, ActionTInput, RecordWriterTOutput, TaskContext, RecordReuseMode)
Runs a map function on each record in the input.
Public methodMapTInput, TOutput(IOperationInput, ActionTInput, RecordWriterTOutput, RecordReuseMode)
Runs a map function on each record in the input.
Public methodMemorySort
Public methodProcess(IOperationInput, Type)
Processes the specified input using the specified task.
Public methodProcessTInput, TOutput(IOperationInput, ActionRecordReaderTInput, RecordWriterTOutput, TaskContext, RecordReuseMode)
Processes the specified input using the specified delegate.
Public methodProcessTInput, TOutput(IOperationInput, ActionRecordReaderTInput, RecordWriterTOutput, RecordReuseMode)
Processes the specified input using the specified delegate.
Public methodRead
Reads input records from the specified path on the DFS.
Public methodReduceTKey, TValue, TOutput(IOperationInput, ActionTKey, IEnumerableTValue, RecordWriterTOutput, TaskContext, RecordReuseMode)
Runs a reduce function on each key in the specified input.
Public methodReduceTKey, TValue, TOutput(IOperationInput, ActionTKey, IEnumerableTValue, RecordWriterTOutput, RecordReuseMode)
Runs a reduce function on each key in the specified input.
Public methodSpillSort
Sorts the specified input by using a file channel with an output type of SortSpill.
Public methodSpillSortCombine(IOperationInput, Type, Type)
Sorts the specified input by using a file channel with an output type of SortSpill.
Public methodSpillSortCombineTKey, TValue(IOperationInput, ActionTKey, IEnumerableTValue, RecordWriterPairTKey, TValue, TaskContext, Type, RecordReuseMode)
Sorts the specified input by using a file channel with an output type of SortSpill and using the specified reduce-style combiner function.
Public methodSpillSortCombineTKey, TValue(IOperationInput, ActionTKey, IEnumerableTValue, RecordWriterPairTKey, TValue, Type, RecordReuseMode)
Sorts the specified input by using a file channel with an output type of SortSpill and using the specified reduce-style combiner function.
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodWrite
Writes the result of the specified operation to the DFS.
See Also