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DownlevelTextMode Enumeration

An enumeration that displays how the text in the MainInstruction and Content properties is displayed on a credential dialog in Windows XP.

Namespace:  Ookii.Dialogs
Assembly:  Ookii.Dialogs (in Ookii.Dialogs.dll) Version: (
public enum DownlevelTextMode
  Member nameValueDescription
MainInstructionAndContent0 The text of the MainInstruction and Content properties is concatenated together, separated by an empty line.
MainInstructionOnly1 Only the text of the MainInstruction property is shown.
ContentOnly2 Only the text of the Content property is shown.

Windows XP does not support the distinct visual style of the main instruction, so there is no visual difference between the text of the MainInstruction and Content properties. Depending on the scenario, you may wish to hide either the main instruction or the content text.

See Also