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TaskConstants Fields

The TaskConstants type exposes the following members.

Public fieldStatic memberAccumulatorTaskKeyComparerSettingKey
The name of the setting in StageSettings that specifies the IEqualityComparerT to use for the AccumulatorTaskTKey, TValue. The value of the setting is a String that specifies the assembly-qualified type name of the comparer. The default value is , indicating the Default will be used.
Public fieldStatic memberGeneratePairTaskDefaultValueKey
The name of the setting in the StageSettings that determines the default value assigned to every key/value pair by the GenerateInt32PairTaskT. The type of the setting is Int32. This setting can only be specified in the stage settings, not in the job settings.
Public fieldStatic memberJobBuilderDelegateMethodSettingKey
The name of the setting in StageSettings that specifies the name of a method to be called using a delegate in a task type that uses a delegate. The value of the setting is a String that specifies the method name. This setting is used by the JobBuilder and should not normally be used by your code.
Public fieldStatic memberJobBuilderDelegateMethodTypeSettingKey
The name of the setting in StageSettings that specifies the type that declares a method to be called using a delegate in a task type that uses a delegate. The value of the setting is a String that specifies the assembly-qualified type name. This setting is used by the JobBuilder and should not normally be used by your code.
Public fieldStatic memberJobBuilderDelegateTargetSettingKey
The name of the setting in StageSettings that specifies the target for invoking a delegate in a task type that uses a delegate. The value of the setting is a String that specifies the base64-encoded binary serialization of the object. This setting is used by the JobBuilder and should not normally be used by your code.
Public fieldStatic memberJobBuilderDelegateTypeSettingKey
The name of the setting in StageSettings that specifies the delegate type used in a task type that uses a delegate. The value of the setting is a String that specifies the assembly-qualified type name. This setting is used by the JobBuilder and should not normally be used by your code.
Public fieldStatic memberReduceTaskKeyComparerSettingKey
The name of the setting in StageSettings that specifies the IEqualityComparerT to use for the ReduceTaskTKey, TValue, TOutput. The value of the setting is a String that specifies the assembly-qualified type name of the comparer. The default value is , indicating the Default will be used.
Public fieldStatic memberSortTaskComparerSettingKey
The name of the setting in StageSettings that specifies the IComparerT to use for the SortTaskT. The value of the setting is a String that specifies the assembly-qualified type name of the comparer. The default value is , indicating the Default will be used.
Public fieldStatic memberSortTaskUseParallelSortSettingKey
The name of the setting in the StageSettings or JobSettings that specifies whether to use parallel sorting in the SortTaskT. The type of the setting is Boolean. The default value is . Stage settings take precedence over job settings.
See Also